Who doesn’t love Indomie? Did you know Indomie comes in many different varieties? The most popular is Mi Goreng. Here Barbecue Chicken Mi Goreng! Simply cook the noodles, drain and then add all the seasonings in.
Indomie also has classic flavours such as Chicken Curry, which are best eaten with broth. So easy, just put some hot water, stir and add on with egg!
#MyIndoHabit #IndomieMalaysia #IndomieBbq #KitaSupportLokal #Rexer
是我最最喜爱吃的泡面之一 🍜
深受大家的欢迎与喜爱 ❤️💛
香浓咖喱味,真的无需复杂配料,简单搭配鸡蛋或起司片,就很好吃了 😋
#MyIndoHabit #IndomieMalaysia
#NewFlavour #IndomieBBQ #FoodieDiary
#KitaSupportLokal #Rexer
#ContentCreator #Blogger #Influencer
Makan apa tu?
Balik kerja terus makan Indomie!
Indomie Mi Goreng Barbeque Chicken Flavour & Indomie Chicken Curry 🍛
Kita suka pedas!
Sedapnya add on telur dgn chili flakes nak pedas hehehe. Boleh je tambah udang, sotong or apa apa jela untuk tambah selera korang. Kalau nak yang berkuah boleh pilih Chicken Curry, kalau nak jenis tak berkuah boleh pilih Barbecue Chicken taste dia ala ala sweet smoky BBQ sweetness 🐔
Sejak 1982, Indomie Chicken Curry jadi pilihan ramai, bau aroma kari dia eksotik nau!
Mana nak cari?
Pasaraya seluruh Malaysia ada don’t worry 😋
Nak tau banyak maklumat lagi, boleh ke:
Facebook: facebook.com/IndomieMalaysia/
Instagram: indomie_malaysia
Website: http://www.indomie.com.my/
#MyIndoHabit #IndomieMalaysia #IndomieBbq #KitaSupportLokal #Rexer
Running out of options to eat while staying at 🏡?
Try out both new flavours of indomie_malaysia 🍜
If you are a soup lover, go for Indomie Chicken Curry Flavour, dry one go for Indomie Mi Goreng Barbeque Chicken) 😋
#MyIndoHabit #IndomieMalaysia #IndomieBbq #KitaSupportLokal #Rexer
Indomie~ Seleraku~ 💕🍜
I am a fan of Indomie!! The first food that comes to my mind everytime i want to have supper 🙈🙊
Introducing Indomie NEW Flavour, Indomie Mi goreng BBQ chicken 🐔
I cant forget the smells of the bbq chicken 😍
And also the legend Indomie Chicken Curry Flavours whenever i crave for soup noodle 🍜
Now i am hungry while writing this caption. Ok brb gonna cook another bowl 🙊😂
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#instantnoodle #indomiekuah #indomiegoreng #indomieseleraku #indomienoodles #indomiekekinian #indomielovers
Dry or Soup?
Can’t decide so I cooked both! When I’m hungry and I want to eat now. Alright, so here is the quick fix! Walked to the kitchen and cooked Indomie Mi Goreng Barbeque Chicken and Chicken Curry Flavour. I even added eggs and whatever I can find in my fridge like leftover vegetables, fried chicken, and cili padi. Tadah! it’s done and ready to eat, yummeh! 😋😋😋
#MyIndoHabit #IndomieMalaysia #IndomieBbq #KitaSupportLokal #Rexer indomie_malaysia #kellyskitchen #kellyeats
Just gotten my hands on these 2 new flavours by Indomie, the Indomie Mi Goreng Barbeque Chicken that is ranked No. 1 by the LA Times and the Indomie Chicken Curry Flavour, a local Asian favourite flavor since 1982 which gives an exotic curry taste and aroma in the house. I always keep my instant quick meal fix balanced with the best of the best, served with some vegetables, meat and egg in making it a perfect and filling meal for the family on any day.
I also boil and strain the first layer of water and then boil another layer of the other ingredients and only add the noodles back in and then add the seasoning to complete the dish. Sometimes, we cheat but we cheat smartly also. If you've yet to try it, then you should! Check out indomie_malaysia
#MyIndoHabit #IndomieMalaysia #IndomieBbq #KitaSupportLokal #Rexer #instantnoodlelover #noodlelover #instantmeals #quickfix #stayathome #kitajagakita #eatsmart #cheatday
Biasanya kalau hujan makanan yang paling enak dan cepat adalah mee segera. WAJIB ada stock didalam rumah ye. Kalau dulu masa belajar nie antara barangan yang wajib dibawa balik.
Simpan macam harta karun dalam almari. Siap kunci dengan mangga. Ini kerana boleh bawa gaduh🧐 mahupun bawa kegembiraan🤭. Yang pernah alami sure faham.
Kali nie KP cuba indomie_malaysia pula. Ada 2 pilihan iaitu,
🔺Mi Goreng Barbeque Chicken Flavour.
🔺Indomie Chicken Curry Flavour.
✅Kalau nak ringkas dan tak berkuah boleh pilih mi goreng. Hiaskan dengan telur mata kerbau sure 👍👍.
✅Kalau nak berkuah pilih Indomie Chicken Curry. Macam KP wajib letak telur dan tauhu lembut mahupun tauhu kering👏👏.
✅Sebelum makan letak daun sup dan daun bawang. SETTLE👌!
Kalau anda makan, anda suka letak apa? Cer share mana tahu boleh follow🤭.
#kitepunyedotcom #wwwdotkitepunyedotcom #MyIndoHabit #Indomie #IndomieMalaysia
📍Indomie Malaysia
Hai korang! Abam ziaf nak tanya selalu kalau korang makan mee segera korang suka yang goreng atau berkuah? Suka meriah dgn bahan2 lain atau kosong?
Abam suka if goreng mcm Indomie Mi Goreng Barbeque Chicken sebab flavour dia sangat rich tau mmg puas makan tambah if add on bahan bahan lain so rasa dia mmg complete..
If korang prefer berkuah, ye la mmg layan tambah2 time time hujan abam nk suggest korang cuba Indomie Chicken Curry Flavour .. korang mmg akan suka rasa kari dia yang padu tp ingat air jgn letak banyak sgt tau.. pastu korang letak cendawan ka udang ka memang akan lagi layan...
Jangan lupa tau korang check out 2 flavour dari indomie_malaysia ni
#MyIndoHabit #IndomieMalaysia #IndomieBbq #KitaSupportLokal #Rexer
Haaaaaa siapa sini penggemar Indo Mee sama macam aku, dekat sini nak bagi tahu Indo Mee ada new flavour iaitu “Indomie Mi Goreng Barbeque Chicken”
Lepas tu siapa suka jenis berkuah korang boleh juga try “Indomie Chicken Curry Flavour”
Tapi bagi aku dua2 memang favourite rasa kuah curry ayam tu memang mengamcam. Lepas kalau nak goreng boleh lah try mi goreng lepas tu sides dia jangan cakap memang letak udang atau ayam banyak2 😂INI BARU MERIAHHHHH
#MyIndoHabit #indomie #sedap #mee
After fasting for 10 days, Indomie Mi Goreng Barbeque is definitely a luxury 🤭! Love the mild spicy taste along with sweet smoky BBQ sweetness! 😋 Hubs had the Indomie Chicken Curry Flavor, kosong and it was really good too! Which one is your favourite?
#MyIndoHabit #IndomieMalaysia #IndomieBbq #KitaSupportLokal #Rexer
Hey guys, any Indomie fans here just like me?
Indomie Mi Goreng is always my favorite dry instant noodle especially when I have to work late at night.
I was so excited when I found out that there is a new flavor, the Mi Goreng Barbeque Chicken flavor added into the market. I love the perfect blend of the mild spicy sauce with the aromatic smoky chicken BBQ sweetness in every bite.
Besides this dry one, I also love the soup version and my favorite was the Indomie Chicken Curry. The level of spiciness of the exotic curry taste is acceptable to excite my taste buds.
Well, this is #MyIndoHabit. How about you?
#MyIndoHabit #IndomieMalaysia #IndomieBBQ #KitaSupportLokal #Rexer
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